About Wujitong
Wujtiong-Meridian Through
Wujitong is making Meridian through (Meridian -T). Meridian-T is abio-liposome 0.5 nanometer ultra-small molecules, which quickly enters the microcirculation of the skin and the blood microcirculation system, lymph and body fluids. It opens up the meridians, quickly relieves inflammation, removes cold and dampness, promotes blood circulation, and relieves bruises and general joint and body pain.
Prostaid is the world's only ultra-micron 0.5NM active bio-lipid in vitro spray that can solve prostate problems, enter deep cells of the scrotum and perineal points, eliminate prostate inflammation, prostatic hypertrophy and swelling; eliminate frequent urination Urinary urgency, urinary incontinence; targeted kidney, relieve impotence, improve sexual function;effectively achieve deep sleep.
Life Aid- breast (lab version)
Inhibiting and stopping metastasis or re-metastasis of variant cells. Promote cells normal growth. Get through breast meridian. Maintain and achieve healthy status of breast.
Life Aid- prostate (lab version)
Inhibiting and stopping metastasis or re-metastasis of variant cells. Promote cells normal growth. Get through prostate meridian. Warm testicle and raise Yang Qi. Eradicate frequent micturition and urgent micturition. Promote blood circulation to help recover normal and healthy testicle and prostate function.
Fitness Tea
Fitness Tea is Rich in Peptides
Regulate the stomach & intestines, quickly relieve constipation or loose stools, detoxification and no diarrhea; lose weight without rebound under existing lifestyle, without reducing muscles; eliminate hemorrhoids in a week; remove blood lipids, bring down high blood pressure, lower blood sugar level; remove fat from Visceral, such as liver, kidney and pericardium, etc. Quickly eliminate discomfort caused by excessive diet; relieve stress and anxiety.
Cardiogen-advanced is a cutting-edge scientific formula for protecting the heart, anticoagulation, inflammation, fatigue; improving vascular tone, promoting liver lipid metabolism, lowering blood triglycerides and balancing cholesterol levels, and reducing homocysteine levels Increase liver anti-oxidation and detoxification function, promote intracellular mitochondrial productivity, enhance myocardial reserve, and improve cardiac contractile function.